Still Vast Reserves


24.09.09 - 24.10.09

Magazzino d'Arte Moderna, Rome

Still Vast Reserves

Ben Armstrong | Christian Capurro | Alicia Frankovich | Marco Fustinato | Lou Hubbard | Laresa Kosloff | Tom Nicholson | Stuart Ringholt.

curated by Emily Cormack, Alexie Glass & Francesco Stocchi


Compress 2006 (June)
ink, correction fluid, magazine page with erasure, & pins
275 x 208mm
private collection


A set of Compress works on paper were presented in Still Vast Reserves.

Two magazine pages come together face to face: one relatively white and empty (the 'host' sheet), the other with more printed bodies and goods to give-up under the hand-pressure of erasing the pages' reverse sides. Stain-like forms and silhouettes are imprinted, transferred from the face of one page onto the other. The host sheet is kept, the other discarded. Lastly, the original contents of the kept sheet are whited-out: only that and the image-transfer remain -- a COMPRESS.

Link to the Compress works' web page.


Magazzino d'Arte Moderna
via dei Prefetti, 17
Roma, Italy.

